Why did I Become a Financial Planner? 

Why Did I Become a Financial Planner?

I always knew money was an important part of life. 

My parents had many lean months when my dad was the sole income earner, and my mom stayed home with my twin sister and I. Things got easier when we were older, and my mom returned to her career as a teacher, but frugality was a point of pride (and necessity) growing up. 

My mom taught us how to spend well by doing things like giving us a clothing allowance and letting us spend it to get everything we needed for the school year. Real life consequences right there – if I didn’t spend wisely, I wouldn’t have the right clothes as a middle school girl!  

Coming of age during the Great Recession will also do that to you. Just as I was really coming into managing my own money, I was seeing how much of a struggle finances were for millions of Americans, including my parents. 

I knew I had to figure it out for myself. 

During college and the years after, as I managed money as a college student and then managed money with my first job, I knew I wanted to figure it out. I wanted to go beyond frugality to building wealth. I wanted to feel like I had more than enough money to just meet necessities. 

As part of my journey towards learning, I sought out a financial advisor. I ended up having three conversations with firms in the small town I was living in at the time. 

One was very nice, but told me I couldn’t afford his firm. 

One spent the entire time talking to my husband, assuming that I wouldn’t make income as a stay at home spouse some day, and tried to sell us whole life insurance. 

One offered to do a comprehensive financial plan for us, but they wanted the very reasonable price of $1,000 and we only had $10,000 in the bank. 

I also didn’t really understand what they did and what I would be getting. 

I knew I had a knack for knowing what to do with money, and honestly, if guys like that scammy life insurance guy were out there, I knew I could do better and add value for my clients. 

And look where we ended up almost 10 years later. : ) 

I am so grateful for my career, my business Aligning Wealth. I love helping clients go on their own personal money journeys and learn how they, too, can build wealth and lead comfortable and fulfilling lives in the process!

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